Following a gluten free diet

Gluten is a word we are hearing a lot about of late. Gluten is a mixture of two proteins present in cereal grains, especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. A lot of people are said to have a gluten intolerance which can be seen through a number of different symptoms. Some people say that after eating gluten they become very bloated and experience stomach pains. They may also experience headaches, depression and exhaustion which have all been linked to gluten intolerance.

Luckily it is fairly easy to find out if you are gluten intolerant by having a simple blood test. You may be able to get this done at your doctors or you can pay to have it done privately. There are many online companies that offer gluten testing for as little as £30.

There are a number of foods on the market that are gluten-free, so adapting your diet is quite easy although these products do often cost a little more. Many restaurants and even takeaways are also now offering gluten-free menus to cater for people with this condition, so you no longer have to always cook at home.

If you suspect you may have a gluten intolerance, then you could try cutting gluten out of your diet for a month or so and see if you feel any improvements. You may not be intolerant to it, but sometimes it can still make you feel lethargic or affect your stomach so cutting it out, may not be a bad thing regardless.