Many people would consider eating fatty meals to be anathema to dieting, but this isn’t always the case. This isn’t to say that it always isn’t the case either, as in many cases it will be; particularly for certain meals and for certain diets. Anyway, here is what you should understand before you start indulging in high-fat, high-quality fatty food:
It is important that you understand fat isn’t the enemy of having a healthy body. You need fat to function properly, both in terms of your body’s energy levels, and for keeping your brain working at its best. Understanding this, it is important that you don’t overindulge in fat, as then it will have the opposite effect. If you’re having difficulty figuring out how much you should be having, if you check where you’re at on BMI, then you should be able to figure out how many calories you need to maintain a healthy weight. If you’re trying to lose weight then you should reduce the amount you’re having to below that (100-200 calories should be manageable).
Diets which tell you to totally avoid fat will usually help you lose weight, but that doesn’t really leave you in a good position from a health point of view. If you want to lose weight and become more healthy, it is essential that you try to manage your portions so that you’re getting the correct amount of all of your dietary requirements.